
I was born in Montreal, Canada, and emigrated to the States in 1972. Growing up in Winston Salem, NC, I attended public, parochial, and private schools. I distinctly remember in 9th grade undertaking a three-dimensional window art project with a view that I did on stacked watercolor paper. It was ambitious but rewarding and revealed what would come later.

Artistic focus took a respite in my life for a long time until I took group lessons from Charlotte artist Michelle Collins. Michelle re-introduced me to an inner call to be creative. One of the sessions involved collage and ever since then, I have been focused on utilizing |paper and glue as one might use paint or pastels.

My art reflects my love of perspective, form, pop art, fast cars, and rock ‘n roll. Growing up in the late 70s and early 80s I was a big fan of album cover art. The statements, colors, and often shocking images gave me a sense that people had fun creating them. And those images still have an impact on me today.

I appreciate exceptional and iconic design in all sorts of products, from homes to cars to clothes to packaging to whatever. I love it when great design enhances one’s ability to feel something. These designers are creating art that inspires me continually.

I live in Charlotte today with my wife, Mary Beth (also an artist). We have a beautiful mid-century mod home with significant areas for showing off our art. We have an amazing and inspiring studio with fantastic views where we create.

Let’s Work Together